Training Affairs Office

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, the central committee of the Sudan doctors office for training - women committee vice-Presidents and generate gentlemen OB: Bold Stand and salute you tsţrwn with high your coolest proverbs in turn you down for collection under the khartoum centre for training and policies for the centre to turn you down And the obligation to stop covering the cold cases from Sunday morning. And honour and you stand a bulwark strong to maintain the quality and strength training and adoption certificate sudanese national board of medical specialization. Gentlemen Deputy OB: Council responded specialization ob where invited the deputies and meeting with the board of medical specialties and that tomorrow Tuesday at nine o'clock in the morning. Than ever for the sake of continuing training and service provided by hospitals hope of total commitment doctors following vectors :- First: emergency coverage tomorrow Tuesday 14/2/2017 by consultants, doctors, specialists and public officials, each according to his position until further notice. . Second: the hope of all deputies on night shifts professional and ethical obligation to cover emergency each according to his position until the delivery shift to the consultant, specialist or general physician. Third: the hope of all deputies ob the hose who care to attend the meeting with the council tomorrow Tuesday at nine o'clock in the morning to deliver their voice and their parents about the khartoum centre for training. Together for training to ascend to the aspirations of the doctors... inform the committee, February 13, 2017


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